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Someone cut the shoes of Valderrama

Algeria 1982 - Colombia 1990

Twenty-two pair of shoes were found without the extremity, all of a sudden. From the very first moment it was clear it couldn't have been a coincidence. [...]

"they did it! The Algerians. They want the match to be played only using the heels. Because the have Madjer". Rabah Madjer.

So called "the-heel-of-Allah". A legend born from a fleeting moment, a moment that would have been remembered for good, only because the ball ended right in the net.


During the days before the match, Francisco Maturama - coach and guru of Colombia - tried to reassure his players, telling them that Madjer wasn't someone to fear:

-That kind of goal doesn't exist! You can touch the ball with your heel, for sure, but it reminds us of Achilles. His fatal-flow. A weakness.

Could a weakness ever be able to score the goal?

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